Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen K. Wilke
Scientific Associate

Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen K. Wilke

ELISA: System availability, causes of failure, efficient expansion and simulative evaluation of expansion variants


work +49 6151 16-22510

Work L1|01 165
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
64287 Darmstadt


Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen K. Wilke has been working at the Institute of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering for several years. Within the framework of the ELISA II-B research project, Jürgen K. Wilke is deeply involved in the functioning and effects on people and nature of overhead line-bound heavy traffic. In teaching, Jürgen Wilke supports the module Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering II.

Project ELISA:

  • Analysis of plant availability and causes of failures in an overhead line system for the electrification of heavy-duty traffic on highways.
  • Analysis and evaluation of an efficient expansion of an overhead line system for the electrification of heavy-duty traffic.
  • Simulative evaluation of different expansion options and stages of expansion for an eHighway system in Hesse.
  • Contact person for the module Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering II
  • Working group leader of the WG Data Exchange in the ELISA project
  • Contact person for IVV research data
  • Contact person for the minor subject and certificate Mobility Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt
  • Supervision of student work
  • by arrangement
Research Areas
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen K. Wilke is particularly available for the preparation of theses in the fields of
  • traffic engineering aspects within the framework of the ELISA project,
  • analyses and simulations for the expansion of an overhead power supply system as well as
  • traffic planning and traffic signal programme calculation
as a contact person.
  • ELISA II-B: Elektrifizierter, innovativer Schwerverkehr auf Autobahnen
  • RSL – Reisendenstromlenkung: Konzeption einer integrierten Auslastungserfassung von Zügen, Forschungsprojekt im Rahmen der AG Connected Mobility.
  • J. K. Wilke (2023)
    The availability of a overhead line system for the electrification of heavy traffic on highways in the ELISA field test. Presentation at: 6th ICPLT – Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic, 21. – 22. März 2023, Dortmund, Germany
  • J. K. Wilke (2021)
    Factors for the design of electric road system networks related to road operation, construction and vehicle characteristics
    Presentation at: 49th European Transport Conference, 13. September 2021, online.
  • J. K. Wilke (2020)
    City Toll in Germany – Opportunities and Resistance. Presentation at the Annual Conference “Sustainable Urban Mobility” of IST Germany on 10.12.2020. Link
  • J. K. Wilke (2020)
    Effects of Different Use Cases of an OH Truck on the Power Supply within the eHighway System
    Presentation at: International Doctoral Seminar. 13.-15. Oktober 2020, online.
  • J. K. Wilke (2019)
    Development of a regional eHighway expansion concept under consideration of the technical and operational conditions.
    Presentation at: International Doctoral Seminar. 14.-18. Oktober 2019, Takashima, Japan.
  • J. K. Wilke (2018)
    Fundamentals of Capacity Utilisation Computation in Rail Transport.
    Presentation at: International Doctoral Seminar. 04.-08. November 2018, Annweiler am Trifels, Germany.
  • J. K. Wilke, F. Schöpp, R. Linke, E. Kaßens-Noor (2022)
    Approach for Description of Trajectories of Overhead Line Trucks using Infrastructure Data of an Electric Road System
    50th European Transport Conference, 08. September 2022, Milan, Italy.
  • R. Linke, F. Schöpp, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Integration of new drive concepts bytransport companies – experiences with the eHighway System
    49th European Transport Conference, 15. September 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 49th ETC was an online conference).
  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Electrification of road freight transport: the influence of gross vehicle weight on the energy consumption of (overhead line) hybrid trucks
    49th European Transport Conference, 15. September 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 49th ETC was an online conference).
  • J. K. Wilke, R. Linke, F. Schöpp, M. Boltze (2021)
    Factors for the design of electric road system networks related to road operation, construction and vehicle characteristics
    49th European Transport Conference, 13. September 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 49th ETC was an online conference).
  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Electrification of Road Freight Transport – Energy Consumption Analysis of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks
    100th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 25th January 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 100th TRB Annual Meeting was an online conference).
  • M. Boltze, R. Linke, F. Schöpp, J. K. Wilke, Ö. Öztürk, D. Wauri (2020)
    Insights into the Operation of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks on the ELISA Test Track
    4th Electric Road Systems Webinar 2020, 12th May 2020.
    (Due to Corona Pandemic ERS conference in 2020 had to be cancelled and was replaced through a webinar.)
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  • Hein, C.; Lerchl-Mitsch, K.; Wilke, J. K. (2023)
    Akzeptanz für straßengebundene Oberleitungstechnologie. Magazin für die Energiewirtschaft, Ausgabe 1 | 2023, VDE Verlag GmbH (2022), 16-19. Download (opens in new tab)
  • Linke, R.; Wilke, J. K.; Öztürk, Ö.; Schöpp, F.; Kassens-Noor, E. (2022)
    The future of the eHighway system: a vision of a sustainable, climate-resilient, and artificially intelligent mega-project
    Journal of Mega Infrastrucutre & Sustainable Development
  • Boltze, M.; Linke, R.; Öztürk, Ö.; Schöpp, F.; Wauri, D.; Wilke, J. K.; Schebek, L.; Hanesch, S.; Reußwig, A.; Schulz, S.; Bedoya Zapata, A.; Gurske, D.; Koch, H.; Rudgartser, I.; Siegfried, J.; Sommer, H.; Mayer, B.; Lang, H.-P.; Pfliegl, W.; Staub, M.; Fenn, B.; Petermann, D.; Chesi, K.; Hein, C.; Burger, M.; Schwarz, J. (2022)
    ELISA II-B – Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Evaluation eines realitätsnahen Probebetriebs von OH-Lkw auf der ELISA-Versuchsanlage. Band 0: Zusammenfassender Ergebniszwischenbericht, ohne Verlag, Darmstadt Frankfurt Erlangen, 2022.
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  • Jöhrens, J.; Lehmann, M.; Bramme, M.; Brauer, C.; Bulenda, A.; Burghard, U.; Burgert, T.; Doll, C.; Kaßens-Noor, E.; Linke, R.; Öztürk, Ö.; Schöpp, F.; Staub, M.; Werner, M.; Wilke, J.; Worbs, M. (2022)
    Aktuelle technische Erkenntnisse zum eHighway-System aus Feldversuch und Begleitforschung. Arbeitspapier des Arbeitskreises Technik (AK Technik) der Feldversuchs- und Forschungsprojekte, ohne Verlag, ohne Ort, 2022.
    Download (deutsch) (opens in new tab) / Download (englisch) (opens in new tab)
  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Elektrifizierung des Straßengüterverkehrs. Kraftstoff- und Stromverbrauchsanalyse von Oberleitungs-Hybrid-Lastkraftwagen. Internationales Verkehrswesen, Ausgabe 3 | 2021, Trialog Publishers, Baiersbronn (2021), 40-45.
    Mehr erfahren
  • J. Wilke (2021)
    D.1 Einführung in das Vergaberecht von Bauleistungen
    In: Elektrifizierung von Autobahnen für den Schwerverkehr. Umsetzung des Systems eHighway. M. Boltze, M. Lehmann, G. Riegelhuth, H. Sommer, D. Wauri (Hrsg.), Kirschbaum Verlag, Bonn (2021), 202-208.
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  • J. Wilke (2021)
    D.2 Hinwesie zur Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen
    In: Elektrifizierung von Autobahnen für den Schwerverkehr. Umsetzung des Systems eHighway. M. Boltze, M. Lehmann, G. Riegelhuth, H. Sommer, D. Wauri (Hrsg.), Kirschbaum Verlag, Bonn (2021), 209-212.
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  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Electrification of Road Freight Transport – Energy Consumption Analysis of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks.
    Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, Conference Proceedings.
    Mehr erfahren

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