M.Sc. Laurenz Bremer
ELISA: Fuel and Energy Consumption, Emissions of all kinds, Data Management, Simulation with SUMO
work +49 6151 16-22506
L1|01 165
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
M.Sc. Laurenz Bremer has been employed at the Institute of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering since April 2022. His teaching duties include in particular the supervision of the courses Verkehr 1, Verkehr 2 and Verkehr und Umwelt. Within the scope of his research activities, Mr Bremer deals with overhead line-bound road freight transport.
Project ELISA:
- Fuel and energy consumption
- Emissions of all kinds:
- Exhaust gases/air pollutants
- Noise
- Greenhouse gases
- Data management
- Simulation with SUMO
- Contact for the module Big and Small Data in Traffic Engineering
- Supervision of student theses