M.Sc. Philipp Bondzio
Scientific Associate

M.Sc. Philipp Bondzio


work +49 6151 16 22510

Work L1|01 165
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
64287 Darmstadt


Philipp Bondzio has been working at the Institute of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering since November 2024. In teaching, Mr. Bondzio is primarily active in the courses “Transport I + II”, “Modelling of Transport Demand”, “Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering II” and “Intelligent Transport Systems”. As part of his research, Mr. Bondzio deals with innovations in teaching and the mobility of the future.

  • By arrangement
  • Contact for the module Verkehr I
  • Contact for the module Verkehr II
  • Supervision of student theses

I am happy to offer and supervise theses on the research topics listed above. I am happy to support your own topic suggestions (ideas).

You can find my own and other topic suggestions here.