Dr. Kai Wendler
Work Darmstadt
For many years, Dr. Kai Wendler has been active as a lecturer for the Institute of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering and the Air Transport Section at TU Darmstadt. His courses include Air Transport II, Ausgewählte Themen der Flughafenplanung (C) and Wirtschaftspolitik und Verkehr (C).
Kai Wendler, born on 3rd July 1970 in Langen (Hesse), studied architecture at the TU Darmstadt and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. After graduating as an engineer, he began his professional career in 2000 in the planning team for the capacitive expansion of Frankfurt Airport. He wrote his dissertation at the ETH Zurich on a current topic in the field of airport planning (“The impact of changing safety requirements in air traffic on the planning of passenger facilities”). The work was funded by the Erich Becker Foundation.
In addition to his engineering education and research work, he completed a part-time MBA executive degree at the University of Nottingham, UK, between 2009 and 2013.
Dr. Wendler is currently head of the staff unit Control Centre Management of Fraport AG, Frankfurt Airport.