Prof. Eva Kaßens-Noor, Ph.D.
Chair of the Institute of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering
work +49 6151 16-22500
L1|01 172
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
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Prof. Eva Kaßens-Noor, Ph.D.
I am an urban transportation planner and regional traffic engineer, who is passionate about making our cities resilient for, despite, and against extreme events. I have been granted over €5 million and US$1.7 million including the most prestigious grants in the US (National Science Foundation) and in Europe (ERC Consolidator). I also have published three books and over fifty articles in peer-reviewed journals in service of that goal. As a gilded Lilly Fellow, I am a passionate educator.
Numerous publications, presentations, supervised students on their way to graduation, a broad range of teaching and an outstanding career characterise Prof. Eva Kaßens-Noor, Ph.D.
Want to learn more? Browse through the document, it won't leave any questions unanswered. And if so, please do not hesitate to contact us – we look forward to hearing from you!
The CV is available for (opens in new tab) . download here