M.Sc. Ferdinand Schöpp
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M.Sc. Ferdinand Schöpp war bis Juni 2023 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik beschäftigt. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts ELISA II-B beschäftigt sich Herr Schöpp tiefgehend mit der Funktionsweise sowie den Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Natur des oberleitungsgebundenen Schwerverkehrs.

  • ELISA II-B: Elektrifizierter, innovativer Schwerverkehr auf Autobahnen
  • F. Schöpp (2023)
    Energieverbrauch und THG-Emissionen von OH-LKW
    Presentation at: ELISA Konferenz, 14th March 2023, Darmstadt, Germany
  • F. Schöpp (2022)
    Analyse des oberleitungsgebundenen Straßengüterverkehrs unter ökologischen und akzeptanzspezifischen Aspekten
    Presentation at: Universitätstagung Verkehrswesen 2022, 27th September 2022, Weimar, Deutschland.
  • F. Schöpp, R. Linke (as second presenter) (2022)
    Electrification of Road Freight Transport – Energy Flow Analysis of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks
    Poster Presentation at: 101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 12th January 2022, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • F. Schöpp (2021)
    Moderation of the Symposium on Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering on the Occasion of the Retirement of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Boltze, 30. September 2021, online.
  • F. Schöpp (2021)
    Electrification of road freight transport: the influence of gross vehicle weight on the energy consumption of (overhead line) hybrid trucks
    Presentation at: International Doctoral Seminar. 27.-29. September 2021, online.
  • F. Schöpp (2021)
    Electrification of road freight transport: the influence of gross vehicle weight on the energy consumption of (overhead line) hybrid trucks
    Presentation at: 49th European Transport Conference, 15. September 2021, online.
  • F. Schöpp (2021)
    Electrification of Road Freight Transport – Energy Consumption Analysis of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks
    Poster Presentation at: 100th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 25th January 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 100th TRB Annual Meeting was an online conference).
  • F. Schöpp (2020)
    Electrification of Road Freight Transport – Energy Consumption Analysis of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks
    Presentation at: International Doctoral Seminar. 13.-15. Oktober 2020, online.
  • F. Schöpp (2019)
    Evaluation of the System eHighway from Ecological Perspective
    Presentation at: International Doctoral Seminar. 14.-18. Oktober 2019, Takashima, Japan.
  • F. Schöpp (2019)
    Electrified? – Right in the thick of things!
    Presentation at: 3rd Electric Road Systems Conference 2019, 07.-08. Mai 2019, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland.
  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, E. Kaßens-Noor (2023)
    Greenhouse gas emissions saving potential of the eHighway system
    6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT), 22nd March 2023, Dortmund, Germany.
  • J. K. Wilke, F. Schöpp, R. Linke, E. Kaßens-Noor (2022)
    Approach for Description of Trajectories of Overhead Line Trucks using Infrastructure Data of an Electric Road System
    50th European Transport Conference, 08. September 2022, Milan, Italy.
  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, M. Boltze (2022)
    Electrification of Road Freight Transport – Energy Flow Analysis of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks
    101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 12th January 2022, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • R. Linke, F. Schöpp, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Integration of new drive concepts bytransport companies – experiences with the eHighway System
    49th European Transport Conference, 15. September 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 49th ETC was an online conference).
  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Electrification of road freight transport: the influence of gross vehicle weight on the energy consumption of (overhead line) hybrid trucks
    49th European Transport Conference, 15. September 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 49th ETC was an online conference).
  • J. K. Wilke, R. Linke, F. Schöpp, M. Boltze (2021)
    Factors for the design of electric road system networks related to road operation, construction and vehicle characteristics
    49th European Transport Conference, 13. September 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 49th ETC was an online conference).
  • R. Linke, F. Schöpp (2021)
    Factors influencing the integration process of the eHighway system by transport companies
    5th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT), 17th March 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 5th ICPLT was an online conference).
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  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Electrification of Road Freight Transport – Energy Consumption Analysis of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks
    100th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 25th January 2021, online (Due to Corona Pandemic 100th TRB Annual Meeting was an online conference).
  • M. Boltze, R. Linke, F. Schöpp, J. K. Wilke, Ö. Öztürk, D. Wauri (2020)
    Insights into the Operation of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks on the ELISA Test Track
    4th Electric Road Systems Webinar 2020, 12th May 2020.
    (Due to Corona Pandemic ERS conference in 2020 had to be cancelled and was replaced through a webinar.)
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  • R. Linke, J. K. Wilke, F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, L. Bremer, M. Scheyltjens, E. Kaßens-Noor (2023)
    Das eHighway-System. Erkenntnisse aus der ersten Pilotphase der Oberleitungsteststrecke auf der A5. Internationales Verkehrswesen, Ausgabe 3 | 2023, Trialog Publishers, Baiersbronn (2023), 28-32
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  • Linke, R.; Wilke, J. K.; Öztürk, Ö.; Schöpp, F.; Kassens-Noor, E. (2022)
    The future of the eHighway system: a vision of a sustainable, climate-resilient, and artificially intelligent mega-project
    Journal of Mega Infrastrucutre & Sustainable Development
  • Boltze, M.; Linke, R.; Öztürk, Ö.; Schöpp, F.; Wauri, D.; Wilke, J. K.; Schebek, L.; Hanesch, S.; Reußwig, A.; Schulz, S.; Bedoya Zapata, A.; Gurske, D.; Koch, H.; Rudgartser, I.; Siegfried, J.; Sommer, H.; Mayer, B.; Lang, H.-P.; Pfliegl, W.; Staub, M.; Fenn, B.; Petermann, D.; Chesi, K.; Hein, C.; Burger, M.; Schwarz, J. (2022)
    ELISA II-B – Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Evaluation eines realitätsnahen Probebetriebs von OH-Lkw auf der ELISA-Versuchsanlage. Band 0: Zusammenfassender Ergebniszwischenbericht, ohne Verlag, Darmstadt Frankfurt Erlangen, 2022.
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  • Jöhrens, J.; Lehmann, M.; Bramme, M.; Brauer, C.; Bulenda, A.; Burghard, U.; Burgert, T.; Doll, C.; Kaßens-Noor, E.; Linke, R.; Öztürk, Ö.; Schöpp, F.; Staub, M.; Werner, M.; Wilke, J.; Worbs, M. (2022)
    Aktuelle technische Erkenntnisse zum eHighway-System aus Feldversuch und Begleitforschung. Arbeitspapier des Arbeitskreises Technik (AK Technik) der Feldversuchs- und Forschungsprojekte, ohne Verlag, ohne Ort, 2022.
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  • S. Hanesch, F. Schöpp, L. Göllner-Völker, L. Schebek (2022)
    Life Cycle Assessment of an emerging overhead line hybrid truck in short-haul pilot operation
    Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 338, 2022, 130600, ISSN 0959-6526, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.130600
  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, M. Boltze (2022)
    Electrification of Road Freight Transport – Energy Flow Analysis of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks
    Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA.
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  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Elektrifizierung des Straßengüterverkehrs. Kraftstoff- und Stromverbrauchsanalyse von Oberleitungs-Hybrid-Lastkraftwagen. Internationales Verkehrswesen, Ausgabe 3 | 2021, Trialog Publishers, Baiersbronn (2021), 40-45.
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  • F. Schöpp, Ö. Öztürk, R. Linke, J. K. Wilke, M. Boltze (2021)
    Electrification of Road Freight Transport – Energy Consumption Analysis of Overhead Line Hybrid Trucks.
    Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA.
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