64th Construction Conference in Darmstadt on 24.3.2022
Leading theme: Exhibition preview of the 28th iaf – Elements for the track to the future
Participants:nnen are engineers from railroad infrastructure companies, planning offices, construction companies, authorities and associations, students and interested parties. Location: MARITIM Conference Hotel Rheinstraße 105, 64295 Darmstadt (right next to the main train station) See below the program of the event:
12:00 Check-in of the participants
12:20 Welcome & Opening by Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mainka, President of VDEI
12:30 h Automated communication of track construction machines of the EM100VT series and smart tamping machines Dr. Florian Auer, Plasser & Theurer
13:00 Further development of innovative track systems for main lines and light rail systems (working title), Jens Kleeberg, PCM RAILONE AG (requested)
13:30 Potentials of tracking-based, digital target/actual comparison of track construction sites, Dirk Lillie, IVE mbH
14:00 Coffee break in the exhibition area
14:45 The benefits of automated switch measurements under load, Omar Mohammed, DMA s.r.l.
15:15 Turnouts as points of failure in the track Dr. Michael Fellinger, Global Rail Consulting
15:45 Coffee break in the exhibition area
16:30 Presentation of new railroad chairs at universities Prof. Jia Liu, TU Darmstadt, Prof. Ferdinand Pospischil, TU Graz
17:00 Systematic combination of testing and measuring methods for track inspection, Guido Hanspach, PLR Prüftechnik Linke & Rühe, A Goldschmidt Company
17:30 Plastic sleepers as an alternative to impregnated wooden sleepers, tests and experiences at DB Netz AG, Philipp Tecklenburg, DB Netz AG
from 18:00 Interdisciplinary industry dialogue with evening buffet in the exhibition area
Costs: 350,00 € net (plus VAT of 19%) and 280,00 € net (plus VAT of 19%) for members of the VDEI
This includes the conference documents for download, a certificate of participation, refreshments during breaks and the interdisciplinary industry dialogue with evening buffet.
Registration is required.
Please register by 15.03.22 at the latest using the online registration form at . www.vdei-akademie.de
Upon successful registration, you will immediately receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided. An invoice will be sent to you separately by mail.
DB AG employees please register directly with DB Training under product number Hk5036.