Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Hanno Friedrich
Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich has left Technische Universität Darmstadt for Kühne Logistics University (KLU) beginning September 2015.
Research interests
- Commercial Transport
- Modeling of Freight Transport Demand and Logistics Systems
- Risk and Disaster Management for Freight Transport and Logistics
- Network and Transport Economics
- Traffic and Logistics in Food Retailing
- SEAK: Simulation-based Decision Support for a comprehensive disaster management
- InterSim: Interdisciplinary Simulation for teaching base on Case Studies
Completed projects (partly from occupations at KIT and McKinsey & Company)
- Dynamo PLV: Dynamic and Seamless Integration of Production, Logistics and Traffic
- Industry consultancy project: analysis and optimization of the distribution network for a German fresh grocery manufacturer
- Industry consultancy project: Market assessment for hazardous goods transportation and warehousing services in Germany
- LOGOTAKT: Technology and Processes for robust and synchronized Logistics Networks
- RMLOG: Risk management in Logistics and Infrastructure Networks from a business and a macroeconomic perspective
- Development of a benefit-controlling for a SAP introduction for a German food retailer (Germany)
- IT cost and performance optimization, particular the application development for a bank and a retail company (Germany)
- IT Post Merger integration and organization development in IT for a bank (Switzerland and USA)
- Development of a management control system in the public sector (Germany)
- IT-Strategy development and Post Merger integration for a logistics group (USA)
- Friedrich, H. and Balster A. (2013): Supply Chain Risk Analysis with Extended Freight Transportation Models. In: Ben-Akiva, M. (Ed.), Meerseman, H. (Ed.) and Van de Voorde, E. (Ed.): Freight Transport Modelling, Bingley, pp. 217-233.
- Friedrich, H., Despotov, S., Zhang, L., Kroner, P. (2012): Measures of Supply Chain Risk Management. In: Proceedings of 9th International Meeting on Logistics Research. 15-17 August 2012 Montreal, Canada.
- Liedtke, G. and Friedrich, H. (2012): Generation of logistics networks in freight transportation models. In: Transportation, Volume 39, Issue 6, pp. 1335-1351.
- Friedrich, H. and Liedtke, G. (2011): Simulation of Logistics Systems in Food Retailing for Freight Transportation Analysis. Paper in Review-Process, Special Issue of Journal „Research in Transportation Economics“.
- Friedrich, H. and Ottemöller, O. (2011): Transferring Methods From Social Dynamic Network Analysis To Freight Transportation. Proceedings of: The 16th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. 17-20 December, 2011, Hong Kong, China.
- Babani, J., Liedke, G. and Friedrich, H. (2011): Identifikation von Tourtypen in Fahrzeugtagebüchern. In: Clausen, U. (Hg.), Wirtschaftsverkehr 2011, Modelle - Strategien - Nachhaltigkeit. Dortmund.
- Friedrich, H. (2010): Simulation of logistic structures in food retailing to estimate demand for freight transportation. Proceedings of: WCTRS Conference on Transportation Research 2010. 11-15, October 2010. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Liedtke, G., Friedrich, H., Jochem, P., Keultjes, D., Schröder, S. (2010): Estimation of the benefits of shippers from a multi-modal transport network, Paper for WCTRS Conference on Transportation Research 2010, 11-15 Juli 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Friedrich, H. (2010): Simulation of logistics in food retailing for freight transportation analysis, Dissertation at Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsforschung (IWW), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), published online.
- Friedrich, H., Liedtke, G. (2009): Consideration of Logistics for Policy Analysis with Freight Transport Models. Proceedings of: Infraday. 9-10 October 2009, Berlin, Germany.
- Liedtke, G., Friedrich, H. (2008): Abbildung Logistischer Meso-Strukturen in Güterverkehrsmodellen. Proceedings of: Netzwerkoptimierung. 06.–07 March 2008, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Friedrich, H., Liedtke, G. (2007): Demand Modeling for Microscopic Models in Freight Transport – Modeling the Splitting of the Flow of Goods with Total Logistic Costs. Proceedings of: WCTRS Conference on Transportation Research 2007, 27-28 June 2007, Berkley, USA.
- Friedrich, H., Liedtke, G., Spahn, M. (2007): Die Relation zwischen Wirtschaftsakteuren als zukünftige Bezugsgröße für mikroskopische Güterverkehrsmodelle. Proceedings of: Wirtschaftsverkehr 2007. 18-19 April 2007, Dortmund, Germany.
- Friedrich, H. (2003): Requirements for an activity-based freight transport modeling. Diploma Thesis at Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsforschung (IWW), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Tutors: Prof. Dr. Werner Rothengatter and Dr. Gernot Liedtke.
- Friedrich, H. (2012): The effects of rising energy prices on retail logistics - a scientific scenario. Presentation at the 2nd DVWG Traffic Convention 2012 „Postfossile urbane Mobilität und Logistik“, 4-5 December 2012, Hamburg, Germany.
- Friedrich, H., Balster, A. and Ottemöller, O. (2012): Supply Chain Risk Analysis with Extended Freight Transportation Models. Presentation at International Colloquium on Recent Developments in Freight Transport Modeling, 4–6 October 2012, Antwerpen, Belgium.
- Friedrich, H. (2012): Simulation of logistics structures in German food retailing. Presentation as visiting fellow at TU Delft, September 20, 2012, Delft, Netherlands.
- Friedrich, H., Balster, A., Berbner, U., Zhang, L., Despotov, S., Kroner, P. (2012): Measures of Supply Chain Risk Management. Conference Poster, IDRC Davos, 26–30 August 2012 Davos, Switzerland.
- Friedrich, H. (2012): Research Project SEAK: Decision support to manage disruptions in food supply chains. Presentation at the Research-Workshop LÜKEX, 3.-4. Mai 2012, Bad Breisig, Germany.
- Friedrich, H. (2012): The project dynamo and the concept of transportation management. Presentation of IWW in Winter Semester, 4-11 March 2012, Trins, Austria.
- Boltze, M., Friedrich, H., Rühl, F. (2012): Freight Transportation Demand Management: A Contribution to Urban Traffic Management and Sustainability of Logistics. Präsentation bei WCTR – SIG10 Workshop. 14-16 March 2012, Wien, Austria.
- Friedrich, H., and Ottemöller, O. (2012): Generierung einer synthetischen Wirtschaftslandschaft auf Basis der Kombination öffentlicher Statistiken sowie geographischer und sozialer Daten. . Presentation at: 20. Colloquium Theory und Quantitative Methods in Geography. 23-25 February 2012, Hamburg, Germany.
- Friedrich, H. (2011): Modelling Impacts of Disasters on Logistics and Transportation. Presentation at: International Doctoral Seminar. 15 December 2011, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Friedrich, H. (2011): Gesteigerte Datenanforderungen durch die zunehmende Abbildung logistischer Aspekte in Güterverkehrsmodellen, October 19 2011, BMVBS, Bonn, Germany.
- Mitusch, K.; Friedrich, H. and Schulz, C.: Wetterereignisse und Verkehr, 6. Extreme Weather Congress, 12-15 April 2011, Hamburg, Germany.
- Mitusch, K. and Friedrich, H.: Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull –The nature goes crazy: The effects of nature to the economy and tourist companies. 20. Annual DRV Meeting, 25-27 November 2010, Agadir, Morocco.